First Baptist Church recognizes that there are times in some people's lives when they may need assistance to help meet basic needs. Benevolence funds are available to people who demonstrate a need for assistance with food, clothes, utility bills, etc.
Children's Ministry
Children are an integral part of our church family and we seek to minister to them and their families. Ministry to our children includes opportunities for spiritual growth on Sunday mornings in Sunday School. Vacation Bible School is held in the summer. During the year, we have a number of activities provided for fun and fellowship, as well as spiritual growth.
Crisis Ministry
Whenever there is an illness, death in the family, or other difficult circumstance, in the church family, the Crisis Ministry responds to the needs by coordinating physical, emotional, and spiritual care and support. Meals, transportation, etc, as well as a ministry of presence and prayer are provided.
The Diaconate provides spiritual direction to the church and support to the pastor and staff to carry out the mission of the church. Through the Deacon Family Ministry, each deacon is responsible for the care and support of a specific number of individuals and families.
GriefShare is a support group for people who have experienced a significant loss in their lives. It meets every Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The group uses material by GriefShare, a thirteen week program, which can be repeated. Alice Bond, the Parish Nurse is the facilitator.
The library is located on the lower level of the educational building. It also serves as the history and heritage room and the prayer room. The library contains a variety of resources including books on theology, Old and New Testament commentaries and other biblical study helps, Baptist history and life, biographies, childcare, marriage, fiction, church and state issues, ethics, relationships, and spiritual growth.
First Baptist Church has a rich history of a strong music ministry. Over time, we have moved in a more blended direction as we have included different instruments such as guitar, bass, violin, and cajon. The Choir leads worship each Sunday using a variety of musical styles. The Choir also leads worship on special occasions during Advent and Holy Week. The Handbell Choir plays periodically during worship and on special occasions.
Mustard Seed Projects
Mustard Seed Projects are ministries in the community such as an annual luncheon for the seniors of Altavista High School, ministry to nursing home residents, appreciation of community leaders, etc.
The Parish Nurse works in cooperation with the Wellness Committee to promote the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of the congregation. Alice Bond is the Parish Nurse.
Prayer Ministry
Prayer is a vital ministry of First Baptist Church. The church family is kept informed about prayer concerns and requests by weekly prayer lists, as well as periodic updates by email. A prayer room is also available for those who want to spend time in prayer. On Sunday mornings, prior to Life Groups, we gather for a time to share praise, thanksgivings, and concerns.
Sabbath Rest: Charles E. Jones Mission House
Sabbath Rest is a church owned residence reserved for missionary families on furlough. It is named in memory of Charles E. Jones, a member of the church and a strong supporter of missions.
Senior Adult Ministry
The Senior Adults meet the third Monday of each month for a meal and fellowship. They also make occasional trips to places of interest such as the apple orchard in Bedford, Peaks of Otter, the Civil War Museum in Appomattox. etc.
The Wellness Ministry, in cooperation with the Parish Nurse, seeks to promote the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing of the members of the church. It provides education to help people to integrate all aspects of health into their lives.
Woman's Missionary Union
The Woman's Missionary Union promotes missions education and engages in hands-on mission projects. Please visit the WMU webpage and the Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia Website. www.wmuv.org
Student Ministry
At First Baptist Church, we believe in the importance of our young people. There are opportunities for spiritual growth on Sunday mornings, as well as during the week. The youth are not only encouraged to learn the basics of their Christian faith, but are challenged to think "outside the box." They also taught life skills to help them as they seek to express and live out their faith through their unique personalities and gifts. Opportunities are also provided for them to engage in hands-on missions, as well as opportunities for fun and fellowship in a Christian environment.