Spiritual formation of the individual believer is a priority at First Baptist Church. We believe it is important that each follower of Jesus engage in both individual and corporate study in order to learn what the scriptures says to us about our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and to develop spiritual disciplines that assist each person in living the Christian life.
For kids:
We provide a solid foundation for our children to grow as followers of Jesus. Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday and is seperated by age and grade. We maintain 2 nurseries, one for babies and the other for toddlers up to 2 years of age. Please note that we keep the nursery doors locked for safety. Because of this, we have a doorbell you can ring for entrance.
For teenagers:
We offer a safe space for teens to discuss what they experience at home or school. This could include more difficult topics at times. We hope they will feel encouraged by the end of each session while also receiving a better understanding of the Bible. Middle School and High School students currently meet together.
For adults:
We currently have 2 classes: Young(er) Adults, a class geared toward couples and singles in their 20s and 30s, is located on the second floor of the education wing. Life Group, which follows different Bible study topics and is open to all adults, is located in the classroom next to the Fellowship Hall. Both classes meet at 9:30 on Sunday mornings.